Take Me to the Magic LLC
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Balance your energy.
1 hr
Suffering from a migraine or bad headache? Get relieve from our Cold ...
Relieve your headache naturally with pressure points.
15 min
Balance your energy and get answers to a question or two.
1 hr 30 min
Curious about your past lives? Want to balance your karmic energy?
Relax and find relief.
Get to know yourself with your Archetype Listing. Find your true path
Getting to know your family!
Balancing your energy prior to a massage helps enhance your massage.
Looking to get a specific issue resolved?
30 min
Learn or practice reading Tarot/Oracle cards.
Looking for more of a connection? Find your life path?
Release your troubles from the week!
Take your Reiki to the next level
Where relaxing meets balance
Combination of Reiki, Aromatherapy and massage
Want to learn to trust your intuition more?
Looking for some direction?
Grounding for more clarity and balance
Opportunity for Massage Therapists to meet up and share.
Heart Energy is about the heart, lungs, and chest.
Balancing this energy helps with depression and anxiety
This energy center is about creativity and creation.
More time- More relaxing
A Day of Wellness
Headaches? Migraines? Or just want to trust your intuition?
Digestive issues? Want to feel better about yourself? Need to find s...
Throat or jaw issues.? Have trouble being heard?
Finding balance and peace in life
Reiki II is about balancing the mental/emotional energies.